For the treatment of quinzy, we find argemonia[1] recommended, in wine; a decoction of hyssop, boiled with figs, used as a gargle; peucedanum,[2] with an equal proportion of sea-calf's rennet; proserpinaca,[3] beaten up in the pickle of the mæna[4] and oil, or else placed beneath the tongue; as also juice of cinquefoil, taken in doses of three cyathi. Used as a gargle, juice of cinquefoil is good for the cure of all affections of the fauces: verbascum,[5] too, taken in wine, is particularly useful for diseases of the tonsillary glands.

1. See B. xxv. c. 56.

2. See B. xxv. c. 70.

3. See B. xxvii. c. 104.

4. See B. ix. c. 42.

5. See B. xxv. c. 73.